This just came in via an e-blast from the AFAA (Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy Association of Minnesota):

Sunday, May 27 - 1:10 (Detroit Tigers)
Wednesday, May 30 - 12:10 - (Oakland A's)
Monday, June 25 - 7:10 - (Chicago White Sox)
Sunday, July 1 - 1:10 - (Kansas City Royals)
Thursday, July 19 - 12:10 - (Baltimore Orioles)
Monday, July 30 - 7:10 - (Chicago White Sox)
Sunday, August 12 -1:10 - (Tampa Bay Rays)
Tuesday, August 28 - 7:10 - (Seattle Mariners)
Sunday, Sept 9 - 1:10 - (Cleveland Indians)
Sunday, Sept 16 - 1:10 (Chicago White Sox)
Tickets $22-$24 depending on game." (see flier)
"$10 service charge for ordering. No refunds/exchanges from Twins office but you may sell your unused tickets to AFAA families on waiting list if you cannot use them (contact AFAA for information).
Only those with a legitimate allergy to peanuts and their immediate family members are eligible for these sections. Participants will be required to sign a waiver and may be asked to provide documentation from a doctor. Contact AFAA for questions about eligibility.
Groups should order tickets at one time to ensure seating in the same balcony.
Safety features:
- Peanut-free baseball fare (i.e. hot dogs, beverages) will be allowed
- Balconies physically separated from other stadium seating
- Tables and chairs cleaned prior to games
- Exclusive access to the balconies for allergic fans
- AFAA hosts will be available in the balconies
- A section of the balcony will be roped off as a designated area for those with multiple food allergies."
tickets sell out fast!!!
THANK YOU AFAA Minnesota!!!