I received a tip from a reader (Thanks, G!) about the June 25, 2009 St. Paul Saints game and confirmed the details with Wendy Wessel, Coordinator of Food Allergy Support Group of Minnesota. This is the 5th year of the food-free section at a St. Paul Saints baseball game! You heard right--peanut-free, nut-free, completely food-free! Wendy explained the arrangements: "They arrange for us to reserve the top several rows of a section, with an empty "buffer" row between our section and the rows below. Our area gets extra cleaning before the game. Their food vendors cannot try to sell food in our area. They place extra ushers in the aisles to communicate the accommodations with other fans if they try to sit in the empty row or bring food in our area. Some of our attendees bring snacks to the game but go to main walkways under the bleachers to have them and then they return to their seat. Drinks are allowed in our area."
Ticket information for the game will be available at the end of April at www.foodallergysupportmn.org.
Ticket information for the game will be available at the end of April at www.foodallergysupportmn.org.