A collection of information on all the food allergy friendly baseball (and other sports) games around the U.S. and Canada.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Arizona Diamondbacks Offer Gluten-Free Food at Games
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
St. Paul Saints Food-Free Seats

Ticket information for the game will be available at the end of April at www.foodallergysupportmn.org.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Clinton Lumberkings' Peanut Free Night on May 20
Lowell Spinners Offer 2 Peanut-Free Baseball Games
Out of Lowell, Massachusetts, comes news of two peanut free night games at the Lowell Spinners, Class-A Affiliate of the Red Sox, during the 2009 season. The Spinner have set Wednesday, July 1 and Sunday, August 2 as Peanut Free nights. Jon Boswell, Media Relations Manager for the Spinners, explained "Both games are the first games of homestands, giving us an opportunity to thoroughly power wash our stadium and clean our concession stands. No peanuts or products containing peanuts will be sold that night."
"Individual tickets for our 2009 season go on sale Tuesday, March 17 and group tickets can be booked now through our Spinners Ticket Office at 978-459-1702. Ticket prices range from just $4 for standing room to $8, making Spinners games affordable for the entire family. Additionally, on our second Peanut Free game, as part of our Sunday Kid’s Days, children are welcome to stay after the game to run the bases on the field."
Not bad, eh? 2 peanut-free games, and check out those ticket prices! That's a steal!
More Peanut-Free Seating for Red Sox Games
June 7th vs. Texas
July 12th vs. Kansas City
September 13th vs. Tampa Bay
San Diego Padres' Peanut-Free Seating
We just received the following news from Sue Wagner of the San Diego Food Allergy Support Group:
The San Diego Padres along with San Diego Food Allergy Support Group™ have created a peanut-free seating area for the:
May 17th Padres v. Cincinnati Reds Game at 1:05 p.m.
The gate value of tickets is $50, which all participants will be able to purchase at the discounted $25 price using our promotion code.
To purchase tickets,
click on the link below and enter promo code:
PEANUT for the 50% discount.
Peanut-Free Ticket Sales or www.sandiegofoodallergy.org and follow the link from there.
Peanut Allergy Friendly Games at Fenway
This is not Fenway's first venture into offering accomodations to peanut allergic fans, as we were reminded by a reader several months ago--Seats for Peanut Allergic Red Sox Fans. With the removal of Conigliaro's Corner, the peanut allergy friendly seating will be in the Coca Cola Left Field Pavilion this year. Seats are $75 and standing room is $25. We understand that there will be several games for which peanut allergy friendly seating is available this season. Being a local, I must say thanks again to the Red Sox and the folks at Fenway for making these seats available!
Details for Seattle Mariners 2009 Peanut-Free Games
Sunday May 3 vs. Oakland
Michael San Soucie"
Ticket Form for Toronto Bluejays' Peanut/Nut Reduced Games

The schedule and ticket ordering information for peanut/nut reduced zone games for the Toronto Bluejays follows:
To reserve your tickets now, contact Andrew Haley with the Blue Jays (order form attached):
Sunday, April 19 1:07 vs Oakland Athletics
Sunday, May 17 1:07 vs Chicago White Sox (long weekend)
Thursday, June 4 12:37 vs Los Angeles Angels
Saturday, July 18 1:07 vs Boston Red Sox
Saturday, August 8 1:07 vs Baltimore Orioles
Saturday, September 5 1:07 vs New York Yankees (long weekend)
Note: The executive lounge may not be available for all the games. If not a suitable replacement site will be selected. Other dates could be added depending on demand.
More "Peanut-Free" Baseball

Thursday, May 14th, 2009
The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network and the Bowie Baysox are proud to present FOOD ALLERGY AWARENESS NIGHT!! Come watch America’s Pastime in a Safe and Healthy setting for those affected by Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis. We’re designating a very special section as our “FOOD-FREE ZONE”
- Section will be extensively cleaned prior to the game
- Section will be kept clear of food during the game
- Bottled water and soda WILL be allowed
Gates Open @ 6:00 pm
7:05 pm First Pitch
Thursday, June 25, 2009
7:00 pm
Keys vs Winston-Salem
Peanut Free Night; Thirsty Thursday
Call 301-815-9900 to find out about Thirsty Thursday in the Keys Cafe. We recognize our fans with peanut allergies by making the stadium peanut-free tonight! Find out about all our Cafe theme nights.
Individual game tickets aren't available for purchase (at least online) yet. From Loudoun County (or western Fairfax), it's only about an hour to the ballpark.
Peanut/Nut Reduced Zone at Toronto Bluejays Games
Seattle Mariners and Tacoma Rainiers Peanut Free Baseball

Seats for Peanut Allergic Red Sox Fans
Baseball Season Not So Far Away
Here is the press release for the first one I spotted for 2009. The River City Rascals in O'Fallon, Missouri, along with Gateway FEAST (Food Allergy, Eczema, and Asthma Support Team) have planned Peanut-Safe Wednesdays in Section 109. To purchase tickets, call 636-240-BATS and ask about the Peanut-Safe section, #109.
Please email me, jenniferATfoodallergybuzz.com, with any news of peanut-free, food-free and other special accommodations for the upcoming baseball season. We'll help spread the word!